Urgent Matters

  • Emergencies: Call 911.
  • Non-emergencies: Call 311 to be connected to the correct resource.
    • Loud noise (including lawn work or construction) after 10pm: Call the Sheriff’s department at (407) 836-4357 (311) and encourage anyone else impacted to do the same, as the number of complaints matters.
    • Inappropriate parking by neighbors: Call the Sheriff’s Parking Enforcement Unit at 407-836-0800. Alternate number for Non-Emergencies is 407-836-HELP (4357). Again, encourage everyone impacted to do the same.

Non-urgent or Recurring Problems

Everyone affected homeowner should email our management company rep, Sharon Hill of SMC, at shill@greatcommunities.com. Be descriptive, include your name and address, and the offending party’s address. You will not be identified to the offending party; however, the more homeowners complain, the more power the HOA has to act. Add pictures or recordings if feasible.

Unlike Sheriff reports, HOA violation actions may take several months to be effective. HOA powers extend to:

  • Sending violation letters (at least three letters) – no penalty to homeowner if resolved in this time.
  • After several letter warnings, sending the account to a lawyer with board approval – homeowner is responsible for lawyer fees.
  • Once with the lawyer, – place a lein on the property or bring the matter to court, which may be a lengthy process.

All these actions take time and are not immediate fixes. At this time, the HOA is unable to levy fines directly to homeowners prior to sending the account to a lawyer, as we do not have a fining committee at this time. Having a fining committee would allow us to have an additional step for violation intervention prior to sending the account to the lawyer, which is costly for the homeowner. We currently have interested parties but need at least three members. If you are interested in joining our fining committee, please contact us.